THURSDAY; drinking session.the most sucky one i guess.
all due to all the retards over there.
GERALDINE stay over at my house.
but i was too tired to entertain her. sorry girl. =P
anyway,CHANJUNHON i hope by now you are fine. okay. i am always here. (:
FRIDAY; dinner, it turn out to be the most sucky part of the week.seriously speaking, i wasd not sad.
i was just disappointed. effort and time were put in but people tend to take it for granted.
so forget it. anyway, we enjoyed cooking process.
potatoe was the nicest. (:
after that was chilling session at liquid kitchen.
some catch up. (:
TODAY; 5 mintues after i start work i met a MOST CHEAPO NEHNEH PERSON.
syrin ask me to take over her as she can't communicate with that customer.
so i went over to help him.
the whole conversation was in mandarin.
he told me his wife wasit is 67cm and he wants to find a shorts which is waist 67cm so i told him our shorts measurement is in inch and not cm.
for god sake he repeated twice that he wants a 67cm waist shorts.
so i checked the measuring tape and i told him it was waist 27 and booldyhell man don't believe me.
NEVER MIND. i squeezed thru the crowd and went to get the measuring tap. fyi; BJ WAS PACKED LIKE SARDINE.
i showed him the tape and explain to him all this.
after explaining to him, he told his friend, i am a DA SHE TOU aka big tongue whereby i can't talk well and say i don't know chinese.
BLOODYHELL!!!!! %^)#*$^*)@#*$
at the moment my anger shoot up to the highest.
NEVER MIND. i continue to serve him.
he said he wants to berms. so i gave it to him.
know what. he BARGAIN with me.
it was a sale item and it costs $19.50 and he say $16.
at the point of time of eyes opened up big and stared at him.
i told him cannot bargain. its fixed price.
after that he still have the cheek to say 19 dollars.
after hearing what he said, my anger had reach the limit.
so i said loudly to him.
SIR, this is not a MARKET.
if you want to bargain you can walk over to bugis street to bargain.
HELLO. he think GIORDANO is market and i look like vergtable seller to him. can bargain here and there. bloodyhell.
happy happy bargain here and there.
after that, he tot for a moment and he say he wants the berms and he expect me to bring the berms to the counter for him.
for heaven sake i got so many customer to serve can. furthermore its a saturday!
i wonder is he deaf or what. i spoke clear mandarin to him okay.
suddenly i feel like going to take driving license. ROAR.
should i? =D